Marek Tuhý, our PhD student, spoke about diamonds in the Czech TV channel for kids (CT D:-)) in a TV show called “Wifina”. This part of the broadcast was published on March 31, 2021 and is available in the Czech TV online archive (link).
Category Archives: miscelaneous
Measurements are going on!
Despite the coronavirus outbreak and COVID-19 pandemia, measurements in our isotope lab are still going on. Stay in a good health!
Lecture by Karen Hudson-Edwards
Karen Hudson-Edwards, Professor in Sustainable Mining at University of Exeter (UK), will give a lecture entitled „Environmental Minerals: Bacteria, Worms, Dusts, Toxins and the Human Body“ on Monday 13th January 2020 at 3 pm in Ložiskové sbírky (room no. 120, Albertov 6 building, Faculty of Science, Charles University). The lecture takes part of the European Association of Geochemistry Lecture Tour and is partly supported by Center for Geosphere Dynamics. You are cordially invited!
The EGG at the Goldschmidt conference
We attended Goldschmidt 2019 conference in Barcelona, Spain. It was a week full of exciting geochemistry!
Zdeněk Johan Award first laureate
In 2018, Zdeněk Johan Award was awarded to Petr Drahota for his paper: Drahota et al. (2017) Biologically induced formation of realgar deposits in soil, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 218, 237–256. Congratulations!
Geochemical field course with students
We had beautiful sunny time during the mid-October geochemical field mapping course in the area of Černovice u Tábora and Kamenice nad Lipou in southern Bohemia.
Interview with Jakub Trubač
As a part of a special issue of the university journal Forum dedicated to 670th anniversary of Charles University foundation, Jakub Trubač, EGG-member and head of Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory, was interviewed as a representative of Faculty of Science. He starts with the citation of one of his teachers, Dr. Fratišek V. Holub, who said: “Rocks are the only solid basis of our world”:-) Enjoy the interview on pages 52-53 of the electronic document (link).
Alice Jarošíková defended her PhD
On Friday February 3, 2018, Alice Jarošíková defended her PhD entitled “Experimental in situ transformation of smelting wastes in soils”. On the photo, where she is second from the left, you find her together with two reviewers Prof. Edgar Hiller (Comenius University, Bratislava) and Prof. Barbora Doušová (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague) and her supervisor, Prof. Vojtěch Ettler. Congratulations, Alice!
Special issue of European Journal of Mineralogy dedicated to Zdeněk Johan (1935-2016)
Special issue of European Journal of Mineralogy dedicated to Dr. Zdeněk Johan (1935-2016), our former close collaborator and friend and a world-famous mineralogist, has just been published. This special issue was co-edited by Vojtěch Ettler and contains 20 excellent papers. (www)
Short course on stable isotopes by Dr. Nikolai Pedentchouk (University of East Anglia) – April 18 and 20, 2017
Dr. Nikolai Pedentchouk from University of East Anglia (UK) gave a short course on Stable Isotopes in Earth Sciences on Tuesday, April 18 and 20, 2017. Lectures were supplemented with practical sessions in our isotope lab. Program included fundamentals of light isotopes and systematics of C, O and H isotopes.