On Thursday 22nd September 2022, Helena Jelenová (née Kindlová) and Magdaléna Peřestá (née Knappová) successfully defended their PhD theses entitled “Arsenic speciation in mining wastes – case studies in systems dominated by ferric sulfo-arsenates” and “Speciation of arsenic under reducing conditions of organic-rich soil”, respectively. Both theses were supervised by Dr. Petr Drahota. On the photos you will see both ladies with their supervisor and reviewers Dr. Michal Filippi (Geological Institute of the CAS), Dr. Ľubomír Jurkovič (Comenius University, Bratislava), Prof. Edgar Hiller (Comenius University, Bratislava) and Dr. Barbora Doušová (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague). It was a successful ARSENIC DAY. Congratulations!